The 2025 Prologue

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It doesn’t feel this way right now, but 2025 is going to be my best year yet.

And saying that makes me nervous.

Despite going through many heartbreaking moments, 2024 was actually my best year EVER business-wise. I finally hit a massive goal I’d been striving to reach for years.

And now, I have even bigger plans, and I’M KINDA SCARED OF THEM.

I won’t lie to you, I’ve had to do a lot of ~inner work~ to accept that, yeah, everything that’s meant for me is already mine, and that it IS possible to live in abundance. Good things don’t run out. There is no “other shoe” dropping on me.

(I’ve had enough fucking shoes dropped on me in the last 5 years, okay? Go drop your crusty ass shoes on someone else. I need a good year, pls.)

So, while I don’t have any fun and fuzzy new year energy coursing through me, I *do* have determination.

I’m ready to feel better, be even more intentional about how I spend my time, and accomplish things I don’t yet know are even possible for me.

My 2025 Plans

If you’ve read my Epilogues and Prologues since I started them in 2021, you’d know that I’m more of a PLANS person than a goals person.

I use phrases like “I plan to…” and “I will…” because goals sound floppy. Plans sound deliberate.

(And if things don’t end up going to plan, oh well!)

#1 — Earn $1,000,000.

I plan on earning one million dollars in gross revenue this year, mainly through selling my signature website copywriting course to 1,300 students.

I’m chronicling my entire journey to $1M in 1 year in my new newsletter, Millionaire Moment, if you’re curious about exactly HOW I’m planning on making those sales, what my progress is like, and how much $$$ I’ve made so far.

I also include other things like breakdowns of my pricing, deep dives into my gross vs. net income, how I save and invest my money, and more — because not enough people are transparent about money, so I figured I might as well take one for the team and be vulnerable.

(If you want to help me with this goal, you can use code “MILLIONAIRE” for $100 off the course!)

#2 — Grow my new Substack

I’d love for the aforementioned new Substack newsletter to hit 1,000 paid subscribers by the end of the year, but because I don’t have control over who subscribes, I’m just gonna leave this plan at “grow.”

You can subscribe right here for $10/mo if you want all the tea on my finances (and all the marketing lessons about how to grow your business and make more sales).

#3 — Try not to be icked with myself by how ~girlboss~ I’m being right now

I’ve been struggling with a limiting belief that’s been holding me back for a while:

“I can’t be too #girlboss, because that’s not me.”

And it’s not.

…but that doesn’t mean I can’t show up authentically AND still sell in the way that I know I can.

#4 — Publish 30 new podcast episodes

My podcast, Point of the Story, will have (at least) three seasons this year, and I’m so excited to reflect on how it went at the end of the year!

You can subscribe to the podcast right here, if you’re interested in the musings & lessons of a squirrely single mom who happens to be a website copywriter and marketing mentor.

It’s the only podcast you won’t have to listen to on 2x speed. You’re welcome.

#5 — Never spend 1 single second behind on work

A couple years ago, I got in the habit of pulling all nighters to finish arbitrary deadlines because I liked the peace and quiet of night work.

And then I got cortisol face.

So, this year, for the first time in 3 years, I 📢 REFUSE 📢 to spend one single second feeling “behind” on anything, ever.

Obviously, this is not within my control at all, because I’m a single mother to a 5-year-old and I do not have reliable childcare — hence the previous 3 years having many “behind” moments — but what I CAN do is set myself up for success, even better than I have been.

At the time of writing this, I am not behind on a single thing, and YA I do feel superior, thanks for asking.

#6 — Be nice to myself!!!!

The second I finished typing the above line about not being behind, my brain INSTANTLY went:

“BUT SAR…..”

→ What about that one freebie workflow you haven’t updated since 2020?

→ What about the podcast episode you’re supposed to record today?

→ What about all of Wesley’s clothes in a pile on your floor that you haven’t put away yet?

→ What about tomorrow’s newsletter you need to finish?

→ What about the 94 emails in your inbox right now?

→ What about your new website copy that you haven’t finished yet?

And then I spiraled for a sec, til I realized:

I will always have things to do.

It is completely unreasonable to expect my plate to be completely empty. My plate will quite literally ALWAYS be full. That does not mean I’m behind.

So, in 2025, I’ll be telling that little NAG inside my head to shut the fuck up.

(I love how my “be nice to myself” plan ends with me telling myself to shut the fuck up. It’s so me.)

#7 — Leave space for creativity

I want to collage again! I want to draw and color! I want to play games! I want to read a book in the middle of the morning just because! I want to have a slow start to my day for the first time in my life! I want to have SPACE in my day!

And *I’m* the only one in my way of those things.

We’ll talk more about this in a bit, but I’ve been putting BTL over my own self for years, and while I don’t plan on giving up my work or scaling anything back, I DO plan on slowing down to give myself room to BREATHE and EXIST and PLAY.

My 2025 Word Of The Year

…is actually two words.

Because after 3 years of setting “refine” as my word of the year, I’ve come to realize that we’re always refining, and that I’ll actually never reach the point of refinement I desire, because that would mean I’m done, and I’ll never be done.

So, instead, my word(s) of the year reflect exactly what I want this year:

To feel good.

“That’s it, that’s all” as my ex father-in-law would say. I just want to feel good, all around, in all areas of life.

Habits I’m Hoping Last All Year

🩵 Keeping my email off of my phone

I’m one month Gmail app sober, and I’m obsessed. I know this isn’t revolutionary — I myself lived 2 years without my email on my phone — but somehow I relapsed and downloaded the app earlier this year… and, let me just say, never again.

🩵 Morning Pages & my “one line a day” journal

I’ve been doing Morning Pages for 3 years, so there’s no danger in that habit leaving, although sometimes I skip on the days that I definitely should not be skipping.

I used to have a “one line a day” journal back in the day, but then when I was going THROUGH IT in 2022, it made me too sad to look the answers from 2019, 2020, and 2021, so I killed her.

🩵 My current gym routine

I was a massive gym rat for most of 2024, but fell off the wagon when I lost my gym partner, and canceled my membership at the gym I was going to (I had only signed up bc it was close to Woo’s preschool, and now he’s in kindergarten).

Thankfully, though, I remembered who the fuck I am, and that I don’t need a gym partner, because I’ve been working out in gyms for 15 years. So. I’m back.

🩵 Not using all-nighters as a crutch

It’s a sick habit, Sara. Sick!

🩵 Scheduling one REAL rest day per month

Taking time off during the Christmas holiday was DIVINE. I felt like the luckiest person on the planet to have spent days doing absolutely nothing, guilt free.

Like, can you imagine? I didn’t even know that was possible. I was a guilty rester for years.

So, I’ve decided to schedule one real rest day each month, where I’m just an absolute fucking trash can doing nothing but watch Meredith Grey flawlessly break yet another rule.

What I’m Paying Attention To In 2025

🩵 Awake windows for my brain — I want to take note of when I feel the most inspired to do certain things, and schedule my life in accordance with those specific timelines.

🩵 Who supports me in private — who is genuinely my friend offline and out of public comments? Those are the only friends I’m interested in.

🩵 How much time things take me & the ROI on everything — ur gurl dooo be doin the most! I track every second of my work life on Toggl, so this will be easy for me to pay attention to.

🩵 What (and who!) brings me peace — so I can keep getting more of it.

🩵 How things actually FEEL — not just having an attitude of “I should be doing this” or “this is how it is” or “well, why would I bother getting a new one?” about legit everything from my mattress to my relationships to my clothes to my work tasks.

🩵 What works for MY brain — I say this to my students all the time, but the only systems that matter are the ones that work for you.

What I’m NOT Paying Attention To In 2025

For starters, the potential perception of parasocial relationships.

I’m going to be sharing a LOT of vulnerable information on this here internet in 2025 and I cannot bother to care about the possibility of someone thinking I’m too girl boss or annoying or whatever.

I know my values, and I know what feels right to me, and that’s all that matters.

Plus, other people’s opinions of us? Straight up NOT our business.

I also won’t be paying attention to advice from anyone who is not already where I want to be, or anyone who chirps about my goals / plans / manifestations.

A wise woman (some random lovely gal I scrolled past on TikTok) once told me (posted a video about) how important it is to CONSIDER THE SOURCE.

If someone has something to say about you or what you’re doing, simply consider the source.

Is it credible? Is it relevant? Is it someone I trust? Is it someone I care to listen to? Is it someone whose opinion matters to me? Is it someone who knows a lot about this particular subject? Is it someone who has been there before?

If no, then ✌🏼

What I’m Doing For My Business This Year

🩵 Switching (pretty much) all of my calls to Butter instead of Zoom

I actually quite like Zoom, and may still use it sometimes, but I’ve been using Butter for hosting my group mentorship program, teaching workshops, and holding student 1:1s for a while, and among all its other cool features, I just lo0o0ove that it sends the recording and transcript to the email they log into the call with, and that we can use shared Notes & Google docs right inside the call.

🩵 Sticking to the systems that work for me

You won’t catch me switching platforms just because everyone says it’s cool, or implementing any sexy new back-end things, or changing anything drastically.

It’s been a long time. I know what works for me, and what doesn’t.

And while I’m absolutely open to new things, or systems that might work even better, I don’t want to distract myself with the sexiest new thing just because some bitch on Threads said it changed her life.

🩵 Leaning (even more) into my role as Website Girl

With my lofty goal of reaching 1,300 students inside my best-selling website copywriting course, AND with my new website design launching soon, it’s more important to me than EVER to fully step into my role as Website Girl.

I’m happy with my progress toward this goal so far — I’m satisfied with my inquiry level, my client work, my spots on Google — and I know that if I put all of my effort towards it, I’ll be where I want to be.

🩵 Teaching mini workshops

Even though I *do* plan to be Website Girl… let’s be real. It’s me.

Of COURSE I’m still going to teach my cute little mini workshops, because a) they’re always website-adjacent, and b) I can pack SO MUCH LEARNING into one Butter room.

The first workshop I’m teaching is actually an all-day live email marketing moment, on February 5th.

I’m going over everything from lead magnets and opt-in copy to newsletter formats and newsletter storytelling, and I’m providing real-time, 1:1 feedback on all of it.

Here’s the waitlist, if you’re curious! Spots are limited due to the level of support I’ll be providing. 😏

🩵 Tracking my inquiries

This is something I’ve been meaning to do forEVERRR, just to see the data, and I’m excited that my bestie finally dropped her Notion template for keeping track of inquiries!

🩵 Working with people who know more than me

You know what they say about being the smartest person in the room! Find a new room.

This year, I’m in a mastermind about growing your group programs, I have a podcast editor, I have a Pinterest manager, I have a CPA-slash-bookkeeping team, and I have several courses about random specialized things that I’m looking forward to learning more about.

I’m thinking about working with a Thrivecart designer, a Dubsado specialist (again), and maybe even an assistant. TBD.

What I’m Doing For Myself This Year

Just like in this blog post, I’ve put my business before myself… pretty much every single day I’ve BEEN in business.

Sure, I’ve taken vacations — if you know me you know I absolutely do *not* exist in July — but even so, I’ve never truly

I have 5 Capricorn placements.

AND my business is the thing that keeps me and my child safe, warm, and thriving.

So… putting it second? That’s terrifying.

Except, this year, it’s not anymore.

I don’t know why I’ve never admitted it to myself before — maybe I’m obsessed with always working toward something, or obsessed with being the best (professional) version of myself, or maybe I’m scared of what I’ll have to confront if I’m not overworked and focusing solely on business growth — but I’ve been able to put my SELF first, ahead of BTL, for a long time.

I’ve made enough to support myself and my family for years.

…so why the hell haven’t I been acting that way?

(ADHD-sponsored over-spending, maybe?)

If I had to guess, I’d assume my desire to finally put my actual LIFE instead of my business has to do with me feeling settled for the first time since I started this business.

I finally feel PREPARED.

Allow me to explain, would you?

I fell pregnant at the ripe age of 24 years old without meaning to. I didn’t feel prepared for that. And I didn’t feel prepared for any stage that came after.

I didn’t feel prepared to move to Canada with my then-husband, leaving all of my friends, family, and comfort behind.

I didn’t feel prepared to start this business; I just Googled “what is copywriting?” one day and accidentally became really fucking good at it.

I didn’t feel prepared to parent a toddler by myself, especially not overnight, unexpectedly, in a different country, with nowhere to call my own.

I didn’t feel prepared to go from having support 24/7 and working 50+ hour work weeks to three 7-hour days of childcare.

But ~feeling prepared~ had never been the problem — I’m the type to jump and hope a net will catch me, and it usually does — so I don’t think I ever realized how much feeling prepared would finally change me. 

In 2024, I bought a house. My son started kindergarten. I bought my dream car. 

All the things that I had been saving for, and looking forward to, and waiting for, finally happened.

…aaaand they all happened suddenly, way before I assumed they’d happen. 

I remember walking to the beach one day, a few weeks before the school year started in September, talking to a friend about how excited I was that Woo would be able to walk to school, and realizing:

“Shit, I’m actually PREPARED for the next step. Like… I’m in a good place. I am qualified, able, ready, and excited to do this.”

And even though my BUSINESS has been in a place like that for a long time, my LIFE hasn’t been.

Now, don’t get it twisted — just because I’m saying I’m prepared for this phase of life doesn’t mean I’m thriving over here.

As I’m writing this, I’m in the “can physically feel it breaking in half” stage of heartbreak, and a single kind word could make me instantly shed a tear.

But by the time I’m writing the 2025 Epilogue, I know that will no longer be the case.

I know I’ll actually, finally live a balanced life, because I can afford to.

I know I’ll have a routine that takes 0 effort to do each day, because it’ll be a habit.

I know I’ll be fucking hot, because I’m making sure of it.

A couple weeks ago, I woke up one morning absolutely sick of my shit. And, thankfully, I know exactly what to do to get myself back on track.

The difference this time, though, is that I’m planning on staying on that track, because I’m making my leaf — aka what I call eating healthy, working out, sleeping enough, and taking care of my mind — sustainable, for once.

I s2g if December Sara reads this and isn’t on her leaf she’s gonna get smacked bc ur gurl’s cortisol levels are showing in her double chin and she’s OVER IT.

And, no, this isn’t an appearance thing, it’s a stress thing. I’m sick of being stressed when I’m literally FINE. I just need a nap and some L-theanine.

So, what I’m doing for myself is this:


Ironic that I’ve decided to chill in a year I’ve also decided to make $1,000,000 in sales, but I’m done putting my computer screen over my sanity.

I also plan on putting some creative hobbies into play, because I was a junk journaler before it was cool and I want to get back to doing stuff that doesn’t involve typing or scrolling.

What’s IN For 2025

  • Using Shortcuts to make your apps prettier on your home screen
  • Tracking books on Fable
  • Substack, but not for everyone
  • Podcasting
  • “Instagram hours” (mine are 8am – 8pm, and I’m only allowed 1h per day on days that I’m not posting something)
  • Learning how to draw
  • Small group mentorship
  • Collecting things
  • Pulling back the curtain
  • Creative hobbies that don’t involve screens or monetization
  • Tracking your time on Toggl
  • Turning boring moments into bomb stories
  • Touching grass
  • Following the founders of the brands you love
  • Siri reminders up the ass
  • Outdoor walks, no matter the temperature

What’s An ICK For 2025

  • Copycats
  • Shiny object syndrome
  • Trying to do too many things at once
  • Telling people what they can and can’t do
  • Spending money without thinking it through first
  • Negative self talk
  • Ignoring what you know is right, just because it’s hard
  • Still using GoDaddy or Wix
  • Not telling people how you really feel
  • Too much screen time
  • Taking the easy way out
  • Boys, as a concept
  • Trying to be a digital planning person when you’re just not a digital planning person

What I Hope Comes True For Future Me

December Sar, this one’s for you.

I hope you’re happy.

I hope you feel good in your body.

I hope you feel great at work, like you’ve done all that you wanted to accomplish this year and more.

I hope you and Wesley had so much fun during the first full year in your new house.

I hope you spent at least eight weeks on Cape Cod. You better still have tanlines from how crispy you got this summer.

I hope you made one million dollars.

(Or at least made it to 1,000 subscribers on Substack.)

I hope people like your podcast.

I hope you actually took the rest days you said you’d schedule.

And, most importantly, I hope you’re writing your 2025 Epilogue with so many good things to report, you’re pinching yourself over it still.

I will accept nothing less than my best year yet!

And I hope the same for YOU.

This year, for me, is all about feeling good, consistently showing up for myself, swallowing frogs, and becoming the best version of ME.


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Hi, I'm Sara—Website Copywriter & Marketing Mentor.

If you're an entrepreneur, business owner, or course creator with big dreams of success and growth—and a big, scary blank document standing in your way every time you sit down to write your own copy—nice to meet you, I'm your new solution. 

Through what I like to call sales-focused storytelling, I'll help you find your brand's voice, perfectly position your offerings, develop your target market, and write copy that resonates with your ideal audience. And I'll do it all while keeping your personality at the forefront of every draft, to ensure that each word aligns with your true self. 

let's work together

Curious about crafting a compelling narrative? I'm on it—here's how I can help.



Mentorship for

Writing your own website or sales page copy doesn't have to be something you stress over anymore. I'd love to work with you to craft conversion-friendly, SEO-optimized copy your leads will love.

As an absolute email marketing fiend, there's no one more qualified to teach you how to get new subscribers on your email list and write the most click-and-binge-worthy newsletters. 

There's no better feeling than having the complete support of a trusted, dedicated mentor by your side as you navigate your journey as a new freelance copywriter. 

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once a week.


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